Fachbeirat von terraplasma

Advisory board for terraplasma has been elected

We are very pleased to announce that with we have been able to win over three top-class and experienced experts, Dorothee Jennrich, Dr. Michael Mei and Dr. Philipp Baaske, who will support us in an advisory function in the future.

“As a medium-sized company, we cannot have staff-intensive or business units like large corporations,” says our CEO Dr Julia Zimmermann. “To compensate for this, our new advisory board can provide us with valuable expertise on various aspects of our management, such as business development and business strategy. We can then make even more informed and quicker decisions with this additional help.

The advisory board can also prevent a certain “operational blindness” through its external advice, point out new ways and thus reduce the risk of wrong decisions. In addition, an advisory board “forces” us in a positive sense to justify our ideas to others, which promotes successful concepts overall.

We are very much looking forward to working with Dorothee, Michael and Phillip 😊

The complete press release can be downloaded here.

Press release

terraplasma is developing a demonstrator for water treatment with Cold Plasma on an industrial scale

A few months ago, the Cold Plasma pioneers at terraplasma GmbH were able to show that with their highly effective technology it is possible to reduce the so-called “forever chemicals” (PFAS Per- and polyFluorinated Alkyl Substances) in drinking water. As part of a research study funded by ESA Spark Funding (https://www.esa-technology-broker.it/spark-funding/), the company wants to expand its research and develop a water treatment system with a significantly more powerful flow rate. Under the project name “Plasma Pure Water”, ter-raplasma aims to complete a larger demonstration system that will meet the requirements of large households and smaller industrial applications with at least 100 liters per minute. A first prototype named “tpWater” is already being tested and optimized.

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Short Notice

Impressions from BayOConnect 2024 in Munich

“replacing chemicals. the sustainable way.” Under this motto, the innovation leader from Garching near Munich promotes the many different possible uses of cold plasma technology in the areas of biotech and life science. Cold plasma is perfect for replacing conventional disinfection solutions with chemicals, UV, heat or radiation, for example, and thus enables true sustainability. An excellently suitable platform is the BayOConnect 2024 event, in which terraplasma actively participated as speaker and exhibitor.

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Press release

Aerosol-assisted cold plasma technology from terraplasma for disinfecting surfaces reaches important milestone

Cold atmospheric plasma (cold plasma for short) is already proving its effectiveness in the treatment of chronic and acute wounds by reducing microorganisms without contact or chemicals. Viruses, fungi and bacteria, including multi-resistant pathogens (MRE), are efficiently and sustainably destroyed by cold plasma. It therefore made sense to extend this active principle to other areas of application, such as the disinfection of objects and surfaces. With a prototype called “tpTop”, a handy and mobile cold plasma decontamination device with aerosol support, it has now been possible to deactivate up to 99.9% of microorganisms within a few seconds of treatment. This opens up new application possibilities for the future, such as the fast and sustainable disinfection of surfaces of all kinds.

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